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pelvicmafia wristband
Well here they are – the #pelvicmafia wristbands are up on the website and are available for sale for $5 each which includes postage for in Australia and for overseas purchasers. I wrote about the origins of the term #pelvicmafia in a previous blog in case you have no idea what is going on.
Don’t hesitate to spread the word about wearing the wristband to help educate one and all about the conservative management of pelvic floor dysfunction, whether you are a woman or a man. Start the conversation, sell them to friends and also while you are about it read about the incredible work of Professor Judith Goh and Dr Hannah Krause with respect to fistula repairs in Africa. Part of the money from the purchase of the wristbands goes to their fistula repair work.
So hop on board and share this on your Facebook page and lets rev up this conversation about the pelvic floor. We all have one ! Men and women can leak!
More than 70 per cent of people who experience incontinence are women, with many experiencing problems after childbirth and menopause.
Conservative management of pelvic floor dysfunction should be the first line of attack.
Contact the CFA Continence Help line if you want to talk to someone about your problem 1800 33 00 66
