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Oh what a night! The Trivial Pursuit night organized by the wonderful Jacinta Crickmore was an absolute blast- a happy, generous crowd, who tackled the questions and raffle tickets with gusto and rigor. I am pleased to report an interim result on the fund-raising front and that brilliant group (with more donations still to come in) raised around $7653. Dr Judith Goh and Dr Hannah Krause enlightened the audience on the inspiring work they do over in Africa, for the women who suffer with vaginal fistula. Each operation costs $200 to perform, which while a fraction of the cost of similar surgery, is an impossible amount of money for these women to find. Judith and Hannah pay their own airfares to get to and from Africa, as well as not working in their own practices while operating overseas. They provide dressings and equipment and are training doctors and nurses to continue with education of the women on pregnancy and childbirth in order to decrease the risk of a difficult birth out in the bush, miles away from assistance.
They give so much to this cause – and are very grateful for the generosity of every person who donates money to this worthy cause. This is one of the few donations to charity, where almost 100% of the money goes to that charity. If you have meant to donate something and forgot – it isn’t too late. Just google HADA and enter Medical Training in Africa– that is Hannah and Judith’s work- and you too will get a warm fuzzy glow when you give generously to help the pain and suffering of these beautiful women.
How did I go with the Trivial Pursuit questions? Well my good friends, who over the years have suffered at the hands of my skill with Trivial Pursuit and other board games, would be shocked to know that I only ever now do one thing at the 2 yearly CFA function that Jacinta so capably organizes – the washing up. I find Trivial Pursuit nights a bit confronting…. a stark reminder of my fading memory! I know the song, I can hum along well, do the familiar jig, but the name of the tune, the singer who sang it.. lost in the mist. The faces of famous people – presidents, actresses, golfers – yes I know them well but the names…. So the safe way out is avoid it altogether and stay at the sink! But it was fun in the kitchen last Saturday night and thanks to all the other helpers who stepped up (or ran away from those questions) and made the night a fabulous success. A big thanks also to Lourdes Hill School who allowed us to use their magnificent gym to hold the event in and to the terrific sponsors who gave generously with donations for the Silent Auction and raffle.
If you missed it this year, mark it down as a MUST in 2015.. as long as Jacinta is up for it again? Thanks so much Jacinta.
