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Over the years I have received many gorgeous but somewhat self-indulgent presents for Mothers Day – pedicures, vouchers for hair do’s, a gorgeous watch – but this year I am going to make a suggestion to all daughters ( and sons) out there on the wide world web to do their Mum’s a favour and think about buying my book for their Mum so they can be better informed about their bladder, bowel and pelvic floor health – a really useful present. You can still include the massage voucher or the bunch of flowers ( now I am doing my no sugar thing I will not encourage boxes of chocolates ) but much of the feedback from my patients and other ladies who have purchased the book is they have learnt so much important information about their body and that the changes they have made, have made a difference!
I attended the AGM of the Queensland Branch of The Continence Foundation of Australia last night and found out the theme for this year’s World Continence Week in June is Healthy Bladder and Bowel – a nice simple message to get out to the community. Barry Cahill the National CEO attended and updated us on the current strategies that CFA are undertaking and when I think back to when I first started in this area twenty years ago, it is staggering how much good work is happening in Continence Promotion now.
But it is never enough – we all still have to keep being proactive simple key messages – with promotion of good bladder habits, correct postures for bowels, lifetime strengthening of pelvic floor muscles and engaging the muscles at the right time ….and the most important message seek help as early as possible from a trained Continence and Women’s Health Physio or Continence Nurse. The CFA Helpline number is 1800 33 00 66 and the trained team on that Helpline can direct you to a professional near where you live….in Australia that is. If you are overseas I am sure there are similar organizations – maybe google it.
Don’t panic ……Mothers Day is still a month away, but I wanted to get in early before you splurged on something else. If you mention Mother in your order, your book will come gift wrapped! If my children are reading this I don’t need a book – stick to the other suggestions!
