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In case you are wondering whether I’ve let my iPad go crazy when typing the title of this blog- its a deliberate attempt to start a twitter trend. For those who don’t know too much about Twitter- a ‘trend’ on twitter is signified by a hash tag and we want to start a topic trending. Today I received an email from the Australian Physiotherapy Association which I just have to share with you.
Dear Sue,
On 16 December 2012, a 23-year-old Indian physiotherapy student was viciously beaten and gang raped in Delhi. This young woman was a member of a national physiotherapy association just like ours. She died 13 days later and the tragedy has sparked international outrage, becoming an unacceptable symbol of violence against women everywhere.
In the lead up to International Women’s Day, 8 March 2013, the APA is fundraising for UN Women Australia’s campaign to end violence against women, both here and abroad. We’d like you to join us.
Violence against women is one of the most widespread human rights abuses. It affects women of all ages, races, and cultures, overseas and in our own backyard. Globally, six out of ten women will experience some form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. 
The UN Women’s campaign is run in more than 100 countries and aims to empower women and effect change with men. Please join the APA and UN Women Australia in promoting gender equality and ending violence against women.
Gillian Webb
APA Honoured Member
Chair, Asia Western Pacific Region, 
World Confederation for Physical Therapy
Ways to get involved:
• Donate online now at
• Talk to your patients about this cause.
Now I was already shocked beyond belief by this story but when I received this email, it was even more moving to find out this young woman was a Physio student. I have thought about the thousands of patients who will never be helped by that beautiful girl; of the grief felt by her parents and especially her boyfriend who had to witness such violence and just couldn’t comprehend how humans can become so debased that with a mob frenzy do such a heinous crime.
So we have the opportunity to make a statement about this and feel like we’ve contributed to the conversation about this by following the ideas listed in the email. I’ll repeat it:
Ways to get involved:
Donate online now at
• Talk to your patients about this cause.
