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Well I can hardly move Christmas Day is full of excesses – beautiful food although the  plum pudding really is more than the icing on the cake- more like the sinking of the Titanic;  lovely company- children and their partners and family; Mum, who incredibly makes the trek to Noosa independently year after year to make the picture complete; sad memories of those departed- Neil, toasted and never forgotten; the sound of pounding waves even more relentless this year due to a distant cyclone. I love Christmas for all these reasons. But once its over, immediate relief and more down- time on the beach. Everyone has to fend for themselves eating leftovers……and more leftovers.
To everyone out in cyberspace- I hope your Christmas was as happy as ours and that 2012 brings good health, much laughter and I DO promise if we win the big Gold Lotto on New Years Eve I will share it far and wide!!
Merry Christmas everyone x