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Welcome to all those new followers from New Zealand. I am over here enjoying the hospitality of the Colorectal group in Auckland presenting the physiotherapy perspective of managing chronic constipation, faecal incontinence and other bowel disorders. We had a successful day today – Colorectal surgeons, lots of physios and Continence nurses- all exchanging ideas, challenging long-held beliefs and  generally having a learning free-for-all to improve outcomes for our patients.
It is always good to see what others do and through these meetings it is refreshing to know that we are all on the same page. Best of all, we can discuss cases and from that comes ideas exchange and critical thinking- all good stuff for patients. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s Physio workshop as the Auckland physios seem a fabulous group- and to my #pelvicmafia friends on twitter we will soon have (hopefully) a whole new bunch of pals to chat to across the globe. One of the very short sessions I am running tomorrow is to get them into social media by joining them up to Twitter – so they too can be entertained by Gussie Grips, The Pelvic Guru and the rest of us. I’m telling them it’s all intellectual the latest research(how many Caesars are too many Caesars…Posh), problem solving difficult cases (how to advise a certain Aussie hunk to brace before hitting the high note singing on stage)- but little do they know we actually get quite a few giggles every day from our global conversations.
So wish me luck for tomorrow- and hopefully it goes well so they don’t tweet-@scroftpf she sucks……