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I received an email from a guru in the Physio world and thankfully I have a bad habit of never deleting emails so it will be there in my inbox for eternity! Professor Paul Hodges, a wonderful Australian Physiotherapy researcher, is doing a pilot study on Rectus Diastasis measurement and is looking for participants. I know I have seen many ladies recently with abdominal muscle separation but being able to remember them all is difficult. So hopefully some will be following my blog and will contact Bec, my wonderful secretary and volunteer to be a part of the study.
They need to have a separation of 3 fingers or greater and be more than 6 months post-partum. Of course you need to live in Brisbane and be available on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th November. So if you would like to help out then contact Bec on 38489601 between 8-12 pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri.
To remind you about what to do if you have Rectus Diastasis, read my earlier blog on it. I continue to receive wonderful feedback from patients about SRC Recovery shorts which provide support in the early days post partum and for much longer, for those women suffering with abdominal muscle separation.