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Its been a busy time since heading off to Hobart for the ‘Explain Pain’ Conference. What a wonderful 2 days – David Butler a physiotherapist , who together with Lorimer Moseley wrote the book ‘Explain Pain’, led us on a journey through the latest neuroscience in treating chronic pain. It was heavy going on the brain but absolutely invigorating to help me with treating my complex pain patients. Concepts such as explaining ‘thought viruses’ – those beliefs and thoughts that can perpetuate chronic pain. And explaining pacing and graded return to movement and that the severity of their pain doesn’t necessarily reflect damage in the tissues – these are all invaluable concepts in managing chronic pelvic pain.

When I was in Hobart I dropped into Fullers Bookshop and they have agreed to stock my book! So I hope that this helps the ladies in Hobart who may be undergoing Gynae repair surgery – and of course anyone who wants to look after their pelvic floor, and their bladder and bowel function- more easily access my book.
I also met with 2 lovely Women’s Health Physiotherapists – Jane Barclay and Bernie Kennedy. Jane has a Private Practice specialising in bladder, bowel and prolapse conditions and is very dynamic and proactive in the area. If you have any concerns regarding your bladder and bowel – Hobart is in good hands from talking to these two physios! Of course I am sure there are many other physios working in Women’s Health in Hobart. If you need to track down one, go to the APA website and the section on Find a Physio…. enter Continence and Women’s Health and Tasmania and a list of all the Physios who work in the area will pop up and you can see who is working close to you.

We also dropped into Melbourne on the way home  (I have a daughter there – the one who did the painting which has become the cover of my book – who headed off to Melbourne to work despite her loathing of the cold) – and took the opportunity to offer the book at a number of different stores.  Readings Bookstores in Hawthorne and Carlton have agreed to also stock the book.
So gradually the book is becoming available in some stores as well as from my website. My big wish is that women in country Australia can access it. It must be very difficult when living kilometres away from your letterbox! let alone hundreds of kilometres away from our capital cities to access help for your bladder or bowel problem and at least reading the information in my book is a good start.
Fingers crossed that may happen one day!