Commonly, men suffer continence issues following prostate surgery, but incontinence, frequency and urgency can also arise for other reasons. Learning ‘the bladder story’ and pelvic floor muscle training is just as important for men as it is for women.
Pelvic pain in men can occur for a number of reasons. Increasingly we are becoming aware that an overactive pelvic floor is contributing to the pain men feel – whether it be penile, testicular or generalised pelvic pain. Bladder pain can also be related to an overly tight pelvic floor. Pudendal neuralgia can be exacerbated in cyclists and other conditions treated include erectile dysfunction.
Some men can also have many bowel difficulties with problems such as rectal prolapse occurring from lifting excessively heavy weights at the gym or repeatedly straining at stool.
Other bowel issues include:
• Faecal incontinence
• Rectal prolapse
• Constipation
• Anal fissures
• Haemorrhoids
• Anal, rectal or pelvic pain
Treatment will help with ease of defaecation and prevent further damage and includes learning about:
• Pelvic Floor Safe exercising (yes even men should be aware of this)
• The correct position and ‘dynamics’ for bowels
• Dietary changes and products to soften the stool
Sometimes a Therawand may be prescribed for massage of the internal pelvic floor muscles. The patient will be instructed how to use it at home. Our physios may teach pelvic floor muscle down-training using real time ultrasound. When you come to the initial appointment it helps if you have a full bladder, so correct voiding can be taught and an ultrasound check can happen to ensure complete emptying of the bladder is occurring.