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Boy that’s a big title for a blog. It wasn’t what I was going to write about this week but it’s very important to get this message out urgently and to our politicians.
When economic times are tough it’s pretty easy to look at places to save money in areas that seem superfluous….such as The Premiers Literary Awards- what value is that $230,000 to silly old up-and-coming authors? (if you can’t build it, paint it, plumb it and sell it for a lot of money or dig it out of the ground for a lot more money then it’s obviously not going to contribute to our economic prosperity). That was the first hint the Arts were in for a jolt.
However, those, who through the misfortune of birth or an accident, have a significant disability, are I feel off limits for the economic rationalists slashing-pen. I received the following email from my good friend Anne who received it from her good friend Amanda- both Occupational Therapists who have a great role in working with and supporting those with a disability and they have asked us all to share this widely and quickly to give a voice to those who suffer silently every day.
So if you agree after reading the accompanying information that supporting the National Disability Insurance is a no- brainer then sign the petition and forward this link on to your caring friends. Who knows ANY ONE of us may be struck down and face an uncertain future without it.
Dear Friends,
I just signed the petition: Queenslanders for NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme).
It would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name because:
The NDIS will give people with disabilities and their families the natural authority to take control of their own lives; to choose where and with whom they live; to decide how their support needs can best be met; to participate in their local community – in other words, to lead an ordinary life, like anyone else. This is a right not a privilege. CSC has been witness to people with disability having their rights trampled on and we strongly believe it is time to make restoration through the NDIS.
The NDIS is entirely different to the current model of support for people with disabilities. It means that if you are eligible for support, then you are entitled to support. That is not the current situation in Queensland – you may be eligible, but it doesn’t mean that you will automatically get support from government. The NDIS will give people with disabilities life long support which gives a sense of security and peace of mind.
If Queensland does not agree to be part of the NDIS, Queenslanders with a disability will remain in a situation where getting support is like winning the lotto. With the implementation of the NDIS, if you are eligible, you are entitled to support.
CSC is a network of people with disabilities, families, friends, advocacy agencies and allies of people with disabilities in Queensland. We believe that people with disabilities have a right to a good life with relationships with others, that they enjoy being part of the community in real and meaningful ways and are entitled to relevant and helpful supports that maximise their social and economic participation.
This is not a political or economic issue it is a citizenship issue for all people with disability to have their full citizenship rights realised in Queensland and Australia.
Real change happens when everyday people like you and I come together and stand up for what we believe in.  Together we can reach heaps of people and help create change around this important issue.
After you’ve signed the petition please also take a moment to share it with others.  It’s super easy – all you need to do is forward this email.
Thank you!
Ps from Sue
 I thought I’d let you know about another great opportunity to support a wonderful organization which I have written about before – the Leukeamia Foundation. I first wrote about it earlier this year when Jen Boyce did Shave for a Cure and raised $7550 – an amazing amount of money. At that time I mentioned that  Clare McMenimen, a gorgeous friend of my daughter, Sophie, had very sadly lost her Mum, Anne Maree, to this dreadful illness, leukaemia. Clare, with some of her netball friends, are running the Gold Coast Marathon in Anne Maree’s honour to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. If you would like to contribute here is the link.
